The Smith family, including Jaden Smith, his parents Will and Jada Pinkett, sister Willow, and grandmother Adrienne Banfield-Norris, recently came together on an episode of “Red Table Talk” to have an honest and open discussion about the health issues that have been impacting their lives.

During the conversation, Jaden, who is 21 years old, bravely shared that he has been struggling with intense stomach problems and was determined to find a solution. Recognizing the need to prioritize his health, he sought the help of Dr. Mark Hyman and nutritionist Mona Sharma, who are experts in their fields.

Jaden revealed that he faced some criticism when he decided to adopt a vegan diet, which made him hesitant to seek guidance. People would approach him on the street, concerned about his health and offering him food and water. However, he realized the importance of taking care of himself and pushed forward with the assessment.

Dr. Hyman explained that Jaden’s health issues were primarily a result of consuming the wrong types of food. He emphasized the significance of making dietary changes and incorporating supplements to address specific deficiencies. In Jaden’s case, gluten and dairy were identified as problematic, and considering his vegetarian lifestyle, there were concerns about vitamin and omega-3 deficiencies as well. Dr. Hyman assured Jaden that once his stomach issues were resolved and his diet was adjusted accordingly, he would regain his vitality and continue to shine in the world.

In September, Jaden’s extreme diet had caused concerns for his parents. He admitted that he was only eating two meals, sometimes just one, a day. This had taken a toll on his overall well-being, leaving him looking and feeling unwell, and unable to sleep properly. His health worsened during a trip to Australia, leading to hospitalization due to nausea and dizziness. Naturally, this sparked deep worry within the family. Since then, Jaden has transitioned to a vegetarian diet, but his protein intake remained insufficient, which prompted his parents to intervene.

The Smith family has always been open about their mental and physical health journey. They believe in sharing their experiences to inspire others on their own wellness journeys. Will even shared his colonoscopy experience, where a polyp was discovered and removed. He emphasized the importance of prioritizing one’s health and committing to making positive changes. Will stated, “2019, gotta get our health right. There’s a certain amount of commitment and embarrassment involved with being healthy. Just gotta do it, man.” His goal is to encourage others to become proactive about their health and to aim for a long and vibrant life.

Through their candid conversation on “Red Table Talk,” Jaden Smith and his family have shown their commitment to addressing health issues head-on. Their determination to prioritize wellness serves as a powerful reminder for all of us to take charge of our own well-being and cherish the gift of good health.