When we think about the past, it’s hard to imagine life without electricity. Nowadays, our lives revolve around it. Our appliances and devices rely on electricity to function, and we can’t go a day without it. But did you know that using power strips can be dangerous if not used correctly?

Power strips are convenient when it comes to charging our phones or powering our entertainment setups. However, there are certain devices that you should never plug into a power strip. These devices can overload the strip and become fire hazards. Your safety is important, so let’s take a look at the list of appliances that should never be plugged into a power strip:

1. The Oven

Ovens are power-hungry appliances. Even though they aren’t used continuously, plugging them into a power strip is not recommended. They should have their own dedicated wall outlet on a separate circuit.

2. Refrigerator

Refrigerators require a lot of power, and they cycle on and off frequently. Plugging them into a power strip can overload it and cause damage. Like ovens, refrigerators should be plugged into their own dedicated wall outlet.

3. Washing Machine

Washing machines use a substantial amount of power when turned on. They should not share a receptacle with any other appliance or device. Most washing machines use up to 1400 watts, which is dangerously close to the maximum load of most power strips.

4. Heating Devices

Portable heaters should never be plugged into a power strip. They consume a high amount of energy, especially on their high setting, and often run for extended periods of time.

5. Microwave

Microwaves also consume a lot of energy when used. It’s best to plug them into their own dedicated receptacle to ensure safety.

6. Coffee Maker

Coffee makers are appliances that use more power than we realize. It is important to plug them directly into a receptacle rather than a power strip.

7. Toaster

Toasters may not seem like energy-hungry appliances, but they actually use a lot of power when in use. It’s best to connect them directly to a receptacle.

8. Additional Power Strip

Using one power strip with another violates safety codes and can easily overload the electrical system. Avoid this practice to prevent accidents.

9. Electronics (Computer, TV, Router)

Electronics like computers, TVs, and routers may not use a lot of power on their own, but they are sensitive to power surges. To protect them, choose a power strip that functions as a surge protector.

Remember, your safety is paramount. If you want to share this vital information with your loved ones, please pass on this article. Spread the knowledge and help protect lives. Stay safe!