Shelby Hennick, a 21-year-old woman, captivated the attention of the entire world with her gesture. Everyone compliments her on the good act she performed for her sick grandmother.

Grandma was in critical condition in the hospital due to lung problems. She was awake, but she was in pain, and her health was not very good. The only thing that kept her fighting the disease was the notion of seeing her dog, Patsy, whom she had missed so much.

The grandmother was taken aback and unhappy since dogs were not permitted in the hospital where she was being treated.

Her niece was not going down without a fight, so she devised a deft and inventive plan.

Shelby carried Patsy from her grandmother’s house and wrapped him in a blanket. After becoming quite agitated, the vehicle journey helped the dog calm down and sit comfortably under the blanket. Shelby, as a veterinarian, was good at relaxing the puppy.

Shelby went confidently into the hospital, Patsy wrapped in a blanket at her side. Everyone imagined there was a baby behind the blanket instead of a hidden dog.

Someone else claimed to have done the same for his grandfather after their story was posted on Facebook.

“I did the same thing for my grandfather while he was in the hospital, however getting in with ours was more difficult.”

What a wonderful story! How many individuals would do anything like this for their grandmother?