Lisa Kudrow, known for her role in the hit TV show “Friends,” has expressed her belief that prescription medication may have played a role in the sudden death of her co-star, Matthew Perry. Despite the official cause of death being listed as drowning, Kudrow’s concerns have sparked speculation about the possible impact of medication.

According to a source close to Kudrow, the idea that Perry might have taken something that did not mix well with the warm water is something that is on people’s minds. While it is important to note that the coroner’s office has not yet certified this as the cause of death, an autopsy has been conducted, and toxicology findings are expected to shed more light on the situation.

Perry, who struggled with addiction for a long time, was candid about his journey in his memoir. He admitted to using drugs during the height of his career on “Friends” and spoke about his desire to find solace through medication. However, he also shared his efforts to get clean and the substantial financial investment he made in seeking sobriety.

It is evident that Perry’s passing has deeply affected Kudrow, as she is reportedly planning on adopting his dog as a tribute. The bond between these co-stars extends beyond their time on the show, and Kudrow’s concern reflects the pain of losing a dear friend.

As we await further information on Matthew Perry’s tragic demise, it is essential to remember the impact of addiction and the importance of raising awareness about its devastating consequences.