When a man and a teenage girl boarded a flight from Seattle to San Francisco, Alaska Airline flight attendant Shelia Frederick felt a sense of suspicion. The man was dressed nicely, while the girl seemed uneasy and avoided making eye contact with anyone. Determined to ensure the safety of her passengers, Shelia came up with a courageous plan that ultimately saved the young girl from a potentially dangerous situation.

During the flight, Shelia couldn’t shake off her concerns about the girl. She tried to establish eye contact while serving snacks, hoping to convey her support and let the girl know that help was available if needed. Shelia also confided in a colleague, and together, they strategized to distract the man while Shelia tried to get the girl’s attention.

Finally, the girl looked up, and her eyes revealed a heartbreaking plea for help. Overwhelmed with emotion, Shelia excused herself and went to the back, where she broke down. Determined to assist the girl, Shelia devised an ingenious plan. She placed a piece of paper and a pencil in one of the plane’s bathrooms and locked it, intending to unlock it only for the girl.

While her colleague engaged the man, Shelia discreetly mouthed the word “bathroom” and mimed writing. Patiently, she waited, hoping the girl would understand. To Shelia’s relief, the girl excused herself to use the bathroom, with the man closely in tow. Shelia remained vigilant, watching their every move.

In the bathroom, the girl discovered Shelia’s note and promptly responded, revealing her desperate plea for assistance. Shelia wasted no time and immediately notified the pilot. The pilot coordinated with ground control to ensure the authorities would be waiting to apprehend the man upon landing.

Since that fateful day, Shelia has kept in touch with the young woman she saved from human trafficking. They have spoken multiple times over the years, and the young woman even pursued her dreams by attending college. Shelia’s incredible act of courage and compassion serves as an inspiring reminder that if we see something suspicious, we must speak up and take action.

Let us share this remarkable story to remind people about the importance of trusting their instincts and honoring the brave and wonderful Shelia Frederick. She is a shining example for us all.