
A captivating photograph, taken by hiker Rhys Pleming, has been making waves online. While scaling Snowdon, the highest peak in England and Wales, Rhys unexpectedly captured an extraordinary sight. His goal was to witness the first sunrise of the new decade along with a friend, but what they experienced was beyond their wildest imaginations.

Rhys not only had the privilege of basking in the dawn’s beauty but was also blessed with the sighting of a Broken spectre. His stunning pictures reveal what appears to be a figure gracefully walking through the clouds, surrounded by a mesmerizing circular rainbow of light.

This otherworldly phenomenon occurs when sunlight shines from behind a person peering into mist from a higher vantage point. The onlooker’s shadow is projected forward, creating a silhouette against the radiant rainbow, giving the illusion of someone walking in the clouds.

Rhys shared his experience with North Wales Live, stating, “Due to the cloudy weather, there was only a 50/50 chance of witnessing the sunrise. Despite the uncertainty, my friend and I decided to forge ahead.” He continued, “Because my friend was a bit slower, he told me to go ahead. So, I reached the summit around 8:15 am and began capturing the sunrise. There were a few other people there as well.”

Rhys continued, “It was about an hour later when my friend finally joined me at the peak, and that’s when the Brocken spectre occurred. It was perfect timing. It was simply a stroke of luck.”

Though luck may have played a part, there’s no denying that the resulting photograph is truly breathtaking. What an incredible way to welcome 2020!

Do you think Rhys’ photo deserves attention? Share this article with your loved ones to wish them a happy new year and appreciate the beauty of this rare phenomenon!

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