Shannen Doherty, known for her roles in popular TV shows like “Beverly Hills, 90210” and “Charmed,” has been bravely fighting breast cancer for the past eight years. In her recent Instagram update, she shared a picture of herself with bandages after a doctor’s visit and captioned it with the hashtag #cancerslayer.

Doherty’s journey has been far from easy. After discovering a lump in her breast in 2015, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent hormonal treatment, radiation, chemotherapy, and a mastectomy. In 2017, her cancer went into remission, but unfortunately, in February 2020, she received the devastating news that her breast cancer had returned and progressed to stage IV, also known as metastatic breast cancer.

Metastatic breast cancer means that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. While stage IV breast cancer is generally considered incurable, advancements in medical technology have significantly improved the life expectancy of patients with this diagnosis.

According to the American Cancer Society, there are over 150,000 breast cancer survivors in the US who are living with metastatic disease. This statistic shows that even though it is a serious condition, there is hope for patients diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.

Throughout her battle, Doherty has been open and honest with her fans, sharing various aspects of her cancer journey on social media. She has used her platform to raise awareness and provide support to those going through similar experiences. Last year, she starred in a television movie titled “List Which could only be described as epic, and Kicking the Bucket to Have a Place,” which highlighted her struggle with cancer and her determination to overcome it.

In one of her posts last October, Doherty revealed a lighthearted moment during her treatment when she experienced frequent nosebleeds. To lift her spirits, a friend sent her some funny pajamas. She humorously shared how these pajamas made her laugh and helped her cope with the challenging moments. “By laughing, I was able to get through what seemed impossible. I guess we can all chuckle at the stupidity,” she admitted.

Shannen Doherty’s courage and resilience serve as an inspiration to many. Her willingness to share her story and find humor in the face of adversity demonstrates her strength. As she continues her battle with breast cancer, she remains a true #cancerslayer and an example of perseverance for us all.