The memory of 9/11 will forever remain etched in our minds. It was a tragic event that shook the world and changed us all. But amidst the sorrow and pain, there were moments of unity and resilience that brought us together. One such moment was the airing of a Budweiser commercial during Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002.

This commercial captured the essence of our collective grief and paid tribute to the victims in a truly moving way. It featured the iconic Clydesdale horses, a symbol of Budweiser, running through snow-covered fields and cityscapes. They were adorned and pulling a wagon, symbolizing strength and determination.

As the horses crossed the Brooklyn Bridge into New York City, with the Statue of Liberty in the background, a sense of reverence filled the air. The ad concluded with the horses bowing, their heads held low, while the Statue of Liberty stood tall and proud. It was as if they were acknowledging the immense loss and honoring the bravery displayed on that fateful day.

What makes this commercial even more remarkable is that it only aired once. But its impact has endured through the years, as people continue to watch it online every anniversary. The Budweiser creative team faced numerous challenges in bringing this tribute to life, including filming in New York shortly after the attacks. With the approval of Congress, the advertising community, and Mayor Rudy Guiliani, they were able to create something truly powerful.

In 2011, on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the commercial was reprised, reminding us once again of the strength of the human spirit. If you watch it on YouTube, you’ll see the deep emotional resonance it evokes in the comments. People express how the imagery and music bring back memories and tears, fostering remembrance for the lives lost and the bravery displayed during that tragic event.

While we may never fully heal from the wounds of 9/11, it is essential to remember and honor those we lost. This Budweiser commercial serves as a timeless reminder of their sacrifice and the resilience of the human spirit. Let us never forget what happened on that day, and let us always strive for a world filled with love, unity, and peace.