Having a nice meal with family can be a wonderful experience, especially when it’s a special occasion. But what happens when your in-laws start assuming that you’ll always foot the bill? One woman found herself in this situation and took to Reddit to share her story. Let’s dive in and see how it unfolded.

Self-Proclaimed Foodies

The woman, age 37, and her husband, age 40, consider themselves “amateur foodies.” They enjoy dining out and have the means to explore unique restaurants. Every few months, they invite their in-laws to join them and graciously cover the cost of their parents’ meals. However, it seems that their generous gestures may have been misinterpreted.

One evening, the in-laws asked the couple to join them for a meal at a new restaurant near their house. The woman assumed they were simply sharing their interest in trying out different food. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of a pattern.

Showing Entitlement to Free Meals

After dinner, the mother-in-law handed the bill to the woman’s husband without even looking at the price. Although taken aback, he paid without saying a word. The woman, too, chose to keep her thoughts to herself.

But the situation repeated itself when the in-laws invited them to a pricier, upscale restaurant. This time, the woman noticed her mother-in-law’s sneaky move and felt uneasy. Eventually, she couldn’t hold it in any longer and made a comment about always being expected to foot the bill.

Another Invitation to Eat Out

In a conversation with his mom, the woman’s husband mentioned her recent work achievement, which deserved a celebration. The mother-in-law quickly suggested going to an upscale restaurant. When the woman’s husband relayed the plan to her, she couldn’t help herself and asked, “Who’s paying?”

This question didn’t sit well with her husband, who quickly ended the call and accused her of being rude. He argued that they could afford to cover the expenses, unlike his parents. But the woman stood her ground, feeling that it was unfair for his parents to use her award as an excuse for an extravagant night out.

Finding a Resolution

The woman’s comments made her in-laws feel embarrassed, as if they were taking advantage of their son’s wealth. They demanded an apology, while her husband suggested going along with their parents’ plan to maintain peace.

However, the woman had another idea. Instead of splitting the bill, she suggested treating her in-laws to a fancy meal for their anniversary. But the in-laws wanted to proceed with the original plan and believed that splitting the bill was rude.

Moving Forward

On her Reddit post, the woman received support from many who understood her perspective. It was clear that her husband’s parents were taking advantage of their generosity. Her husband eventually realized that his parents’ expectations were unreasonable and apologized for his initial response.

To mend the situation, the couple decided to postpone the dinner until their in-laws’ anniversary. While they still enjoy their quarterly meals together, they declined any further invites. This compromise allowed them to address the issue without severing ties.

Your Opinion Matters

Now, it’s your turn to weigh in on the matter. Do you think the woman was justified in refusing to pay for her in-laws’ meals? Or should she have simply paid for them? Put yourself in her shoes and consider what you would do.