Thug on bike punches 60-year-old woman in face – has no idea 4 firefighters are watching him

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be found in all walks of life. We often celebrate these everyday heroes when their good deeds are shared online. But sadly, there are still people out there who have no qualms about harming innocent individuals. While these individuals have always existed, it seems like their actions are receiving more attention than ever before, thanks to the power of the internet.

In a shocking incident that took place back in 2020, 53-year-old Daniel Biggs, a known troublemaker to the New York PD, committed a despicable act. While riding his bike one evening, he deliberately punched a 60-year-old woman in the face. The motive behind this callous act is known only to Biggs himself, but we can all agree that attacking an elderly lady is truly reprehensible.

Little did Biggs know that his assault had been captured on camera. Not only that, but he had also chosen the worst location to commit his crime – right in front of a fire station! Unbeknownst to him, four firefighters from the 214/Ladder 111 station witnessed the attack and decided to take action.

In the surveillance footage, we can see the woman walking down Hancock Street in Brooklyn, New York City. Suddenly, Biggs swerves onto the sidewalk and punches her as he rides past. The victim falls backward onto the ground, while Biggs cycles away, thinking he had escaped unnoticed.

But karma caught up with Biggs sooner than he expected. When he turned around, he saw the four brave firefighters from the nearby fire station giving chase. They were determined not to let him get away with his actions. Despite a scuffle that ensued, resulting in one firefighter getting punched in the eye, the quartet managed to overpower Biggs and hold him down until the police arrived.

It was later revealed that Biggs had a staggering 18 prior arrests. The incident left bystanders shocked and disgusted. Twin Alzokari, who witnessed the entire event from the nearby J&A Deli and Grocery, couldn’t believe what he had seen. He emphasized, “You can’t hit a woman. She’s very nice, the whole family. I grew up with them, and they’re very nice.”

These firefighters truly deserve our praise for their courageous efforts. If you admire their bravery as well, let us know in the comments. Remember, heroes can be found in the most unexpected places.

Firefighters Catch the Attack

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