Howie Mandel, the beloved comedian and television personality, recently spoke candidly about his ongoing battle with mental illness on “The Kelly Clarkson Show”. Despite his success and fame, Mandel revealed that being in the public eye hasn’t improved his mental health, but instead has made things worse.

While Mandel may appear happy on the outside, he shared that when he is alone at home, he often experiences deep sadness and struggles with his mental well-being. This revelation stunned talk show host Kelly Clarkson, who couldn’t understand why anyone would disparage her.

Mandel’s struggles with mental illness began at a young age. He has openly discussed his battles with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that he has faced for most of his life. As a child, Mandel felt isolated and different from his peers, which led to feelings of being misunderstood and labeled as “strange”. Despite now being a judge on “America’s Got Talent”, he admits that every day is a challenge.

Even though Mandel loves his job and has a loving family, he still finds himself falling into deep depressions. He described it as feeling trapped in a never-ending nightmare. However, comedy has served as a lifeline for Mandel. He uses humor as a coping mechanism and feels most at ease when he’s performing on stage. In fact, he credits comedy with saving him.

Mandel made the decision to openly discuss his mental health struggles in 2006. He had previously hidden his illnesses out of shame and fear that he wouldn’t be able to find work if people knew about his instability. His initial concern was disappointing his family, but he soon realized that his job could be in jeopardy if his mental health was deemed unstable.

One of Mandel’s motivations for speaking out is to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental illness. He believes that by openly discussing his experiences, he can help others and eliminate the misconceptions and judgement that often accompany mental health problems. While he acknowledges that it won’t be easy, Mandel remains hopeful and aims to treasure the moments in life that aren’t overshadowed by darkness.

Despite the challenges he faces, Mandel is determined to destigmatize mental health issues. He understands that some people may find his struggles amusing, but for him, they are anything but. He is committed to maintaining his mental health and knows that it won’t always be smooth sailing, but he remains optimistic and determined to make a difference.