Being a parent means doing everything in your power to protect your child and keep them safe from harm. But when your child falls ill, and you can’t do anything to make it better, it’s one of the most heart-wrenching experiences a parent can go through.

This was the painful reality for Magalli Jimenez, whose beautiful daughter, Ava Skye, battled with a rare muscle cancer. At just 13 months old, Ava was diagnosed, marking the beginning of a challenging journey for both mother and child.

Despite the difficult road ahead, Jimenez held onto hope, trusting in the treatment plan provided by Ava’s oncologist. Watching her little girl endure painful chemotherapy sessions, Jimenez wished she could switch places and take on the pain herself.

After multiple rounds of treatment and moments of hope, the family received devastating news: Ava’s cancer had relapsed. The doctors conveyed that the tumor was resistant to treatment, leaving surgery as the only option. But due to Ava’s tender age, the chances of a successful recovery were slim.

Jimenez faced an impossible decision and made the heart-wrenching choice to admit her daughter to hospice care. She wanted to ensure that Ava’s final days were as comfortable and filled with love as possible. While she couldn’t help but shed tears in private, Jimenez made a conscious effort to greet each moment with a smile for her daughter.

“We will just let her live her life and enjoy her and do all the things that we’ve ever wanted to do with her. We’ve made a bucket list for her,” Jimenez shared.

To support Jimenez in fulfilling Ava’s bucket list, her friend, Davina Galvan, set up a GoFundMe page with a goal of $5,000. The outpouring of love and generosity from friends, family, and strangers was overwhelming, allowing Jimenez to create beautiful memories with her daughter.

On August 22, 2022, Ava took her last breath, surrounded by the love of her mother. As Jimenez kissed her daughter goodbye, she carried mixed emotions of profound heartbreak and relief that Ava’s pain was finally over.

The day before her passing, Ava, weak and unsteady on her feet, mustered the strength to sing her favorite song to her mother. Looking into her mother’s eyes, she sang, “I love you. You love me. We are a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss kiss.” This precious moment was captured on video, serving as a testament to Ava’s kind and loving spirit, comforting her mother in her final hours.

Jimenez shared this heartwarming video with the world, spreading the message of love and courage that her daughter embodied. She wanted everyone to witness the incredible soul that Ava was, even in her last moments.

While the pain of losing Ava will forever linger, Jimenez remains steadfast in her promise to live for her daughter. She encourages others to hold their children a little tighter, even when they drive them crazy, reminding us all to cherish every precious moment.

Our hearts go out to the Jimenez family as they navigate through this unimaginable loss. Let’s honor Ava’s memory by sharing her story and celebrating the beautiful soul she was during her time with us.