Former New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, has made it clear that he will not be deterred by recent poll results showing him trailing behind former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley, in the New Hampshire primary race. In fact, Christie plans to stay in the Republican primary race all the way through to the nominating convention next summer.

In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Christie dismissed the idea of dropping out early to consolidate support behind a candidate who could challenge Trump. Instead, he emphasized that both he and Haley share the same goal of becoming President of the United States. He believes that their campaigns are gaining momentum in New Hampshire and expects a strong showing on January 23rd.

To those who question his decision to stay in the race, Christie dismissed the notion of relying solely on numbers and math. He believes that voters don’t simply make decisions based on calculations but rather on a variety of factors. He encourages everyone to let the campaign continue and see how it unfolds.

When specifically asked about his plans for the New Hampshire primary, Christie affirmed that he will be in the race all the way through to the convention. He also mentioned that he is already making plans to campaign in Michigan, indicating his intention to remain in the race for the foreseeable future. While his focus is currently on New Hampshire, he believes that his campaign can do well in both South Carolina and Michigan.

Despite recent polling that shows him trailing Trump in New Hampshire, Christie remains optimistic. He believes that voters in the state are just starting to engage and are carefully considering which candidate aligns with their values and speaks the truth. He referred to polling data from the 2008 New Hampshire Republican primary, which showed Senator John McCain in a similar position before ultimately winning the state.

In an effort to weaken Trump’s position as the clear frontrunner, Christie called out Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for not aggressively criticizing Trump. He believes that if all three of them were to go after Trump, the most credible candidate among them would have a greater chance of winning the primary.

Chris Christie’s determination to stay in the Republican race through the convention demonstrates his belief in his campaign’s momentum and his confidence in gaining support from voters. While he acknowledges the challenges he faces, he remains focused and optimistic about his chances of becoming the next President of the United States.