Single dad adopts sick child, raises him to become an Olympic athlete

Families can be found, not just made. This incredible story proves that strong bonds can be formed regardless of biological relationships. Even those who never expected to be parents can have their lives completely transformed…

Jerry Windle’s Unexpected Journey to Fatherhood

In the 1990s, Jerry Windle, a single gay man, never imagined himself as a dad. However, his perspective changed one day when he read a magazine article about a man who adopted a child from Cambodia. This heartwarming story ignited hope in Jerry’s heart and inspired him to pursue his own journey towards fatherhood.

Jerry reached out to the adoption service mentioned in the article, despite his doubts about qualifying as a single man. To his delight, the service assured him that he met the requirements. A few months later, Jerry welcomed a 1.5-year-old boy into his life. This little boy, named Jordan, came from an orphanage in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Unfortunately, he suffered from various health issues such as scabies, intestinal parasites, malnutrition, and infections.

A Father’s Unwavering Support

Undeterred by the challenges, Jerry stood by Jordan’s side and nursed him back to health. Little did he know that his son would one day represent the United States in the Tokyo Olympics!

Growing up, Jordan showed great promise as an athlete. His dedication and talent eventually led him to join the U.S. Olympic Diving Team after an impressive second-place finish in the Olympic trials.

A Father’s Cheers and Unbreakable Bond

Jordan fondly recalled his father’s unwavering support at every swim meet and competition. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, Jerry couldn’t accompany Jordan to Tokyo for the Olympics. Despite this, Jordan remained focused on his goals.

“I wish he was there, but that doesn’t change what I’m going there to do: to have fun, show off a little bit, and put on a show for everyone. That’s my intention, and I hope to make him proud,” shared Jordan.

Nurturing a Champion’s Dream

At the age of 7, Jordan’s exceptional diving skills caught the attention of Tim O’Brien. Impressed by his talent, O’Brien compared Jordan to the legendary diver, Greg Louganis. As O’Brien’s father had coached Louganis, his endorsement held great weight. Inspired by the comparison, Jordan embarked on intense training.

By the age of 9, he had already won the national junior national championship. Though he considers the United States his home and proudly represents the country, Jordan never forgets his roots. He carries Cambodia in his heart, as evidenced by the Cambodian flag tattooed on his body.

A Proud Father’s Watch Party

Jerry hosted a watch party for the Olympics at his home. Despite feeling a tinge of disappointment at not being able to be there in person, he prioritized Jordan’s joy and experience.

“This is Jordan’s journey, and the Olympics represents the pinnacle of it. I want him to enjoy this experience as best he can… That’s all I’ve ever wanted for him,” expressed Jerry wholeheartedly.

A Dive for Love and Gratitude

During his dive, Jordan will have his father in his thoughts. “I dive purely for my dad and how much he loves watching me,” shared the dedicated athlete. He acknowledges that without his father’s sacrifices, love, and unwavering support throughout their journey together, he wouldn’t be where he is today. Jordan attributes all his accomplishments to his father and cherishes the incredible bond they share.

Let’s spread the warmth and inspiration of this incredible found family story. Share it with your friends and family to give them their daily dose of inspiration!

Here’s a touching video of Jerry and Jordan’s journey: