Discovering infidelity in a marriage is a painful situation nobody wants to go through. For one man, this discovery led to a heartbreaking realization that one of his three children was not biologically his. Years later, one of the sons took matters into his own hands and underwent another DNA test, uncovering a surprising turn of events.

A Shocking Revelation

The story begins with a Reddit post on November 20, 2018. An 18-year-old user, known as turnsoutinsane, shared his personal experience in the “Relationship Advice” subreddit. It all started four years ago when his father discovered his mother’s ongoing affair. Although he had forgiven her in the past for previous indiscretions, this time the affair had gone on for far too long. Consequently, he began to doubt whether his children were truly his own. To quell his suspicions, he decided to have them DNA-tested.

The results of the DNA test were devastating. Two of the children were indeed his, but one was not. This revelation led the father to divorce his wife and leave with his biological children, leaving the boy who did not share his DNA behind. The family faced enormous consequences, as their relationship with the abandoned boy and his mother suffered greatly. They became outcasts in the eyes of the rest of the family, dealing with judgement and rejection.

A Surprising Turn of Events

However, the story did not end there. The boy, known as OP (original poster), decided to take matters into his own hands. Without disclosing the reason, he chose to have another DNA test. To his astonishment, this test revealed that the initial results were erroneous, and he was indeed his father’s biological son. This unexpected twist left him with conflicting emotions and difficult decisions to make.

While his mother and grandfather had differing opinions on his next steps, OP had no desire to reconnect with his father. Despite external pressures from other family members, he held his ground. Turning to the online community for advice, he questioned whether it was wrong to refuse contact with his family. The supportive responses he received affirmed that it was his choice to make, and no one could force him into anything.

Upholding His Decision

In his update on November 23, 2018, OP shared a significant event that occurred the day prior. He solidified his earlier decision and decided to change his phone number, disclosing it only to his grandfather. This retired cop, known for his no-nonsense attitude, vowed to protect OP by screening any contact requests. It was a humorous yet reassuring gesture that showcased the grandfather’s unwavering support.

During a confrontation between OP’s mother and grandfather, the elder man stood firm, asserting that any disturbance to his grandson would have legal consequences. Although their family had already fractured, the grandfather’s actions demonstrated his dedication to protecting and looking out for OP’s well-being. This encounter left a profound impact on OP, emphasizing the importance of family bonds and serving as a reminder for him when he starts his own family.

The Mixed-up Results

In a surprising turn of events, OP shared an unexpected twist in his journey. The lab had not made a mistake in his DNA test results. Instead, they had mixed up the results of all the children involved. The shocking revelation came when it was discovered that OP’s elder brother, who closely resembled their father, was not his biological son. This revelation left the family astounded, and the brother planned to undergo another DNA test to confirm the truth.

Despite the fallout from these revelations, Redditors overwhelmingly believed that OP’s father should not have abandoned him based on the initial test results. They admired OP’s strength in not reestablishing contact with his father. It was clear that the blame lay with the father, who refused to forgive him, despite forgiving his wife multiple times for her previous affairs.

Ultimately, this story raises questions about the responsibility and actions of parents in delicate situations. Should OP’s father have kicked his brother out after discovering the lab’s mistake? It is a conversation worth contemplating.

Click here to read another story about a father’s consideration of a DNA test after a heated argument with his wife.