In 1983, Patricia Clarke, a 24-year-old woman, was pregnant with her second child. She had a hunch that this baby was going to be on the larger side, considering that big babies ran in her family. Little did she know just how enormous her child would turn out to be. Patricia gave birth to Kevin Robert Clark, a baby that weighed over 16 pounds! Not only was he the biggest baby ever born at the Community Memorial Hospital, but he might have been the largest baby in the entire state of New Jersey.

Kevin’s size caught the attention of the nation. He made headlines across the country, even getting a mention on popular shows like “Good Morning America” and making an appearance on “Saturday Night Live”. It wasn’t just his birth weight that was extraordinary; Kevin continued to grow at an astonishing rate as he got older.

By the time he turned 12, Kevin was already 5 foot 7. In junior high, he stood 6 foot 5. And he didn’t stop there. Kevin’s height kept increasing as the years went by.

“I like to joke that I’m 5-foot-21. When people ask if I play basketball, I ask them if they play miniature golf,” Kevin shared with the New York Post. Standing at 6 feet 9 inches today, Kevin has more than learned to embrace his extraordinary height.

Despite being born into the limelight and constantly being asked about his height, Kevin has adapted well to his fame. He lives with his 6-foot tall wife and their Great Dane. As a former military man, he has not only accepted but also embraced his uniqueness.

We wish Kevin all the best moving forward and admire how he handles his extraordinary story with such grace and humor. If you want to learn more about Kevin and his incredible journey, watch the video above.

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