Beauty is subjective, and for Jessy Kirkpatrick, a 27-year-old non-binary blogger from Kansas, extreme body modifications have become an integral part of their personal expression and sense of beauty. With over $12,000 invested in modifications such as stretched septum, nostrils, and lips, silicone horn implants, and prominent face and neck tattoos, Kirkpatrick stands proud, despite facing criticism and negativity about their appearance.

People often pass judgment on Kirkpatrick’s unique appearance, labeling them as “ugly” or a “freak.” But Kirkpatrick remains unwavering in their conviction. “I believe it’s my call to decide who I want to be and how I want to look,” they assert. In the end, what truly matters is how they see themselves. After all, one’s self-perception and confidence play a significant role in overall happiness and mental well-being.

Looking back at older photos, Kirkpatrick appears as a teenager with mousy brown hair and bright blue eyes. Unhappy with their appearance, they embarked on their body modification journey at the age of 16, starting with small piercings and gradually progressing to more extreme alterations. Despite initial concerns from their mother, Kirkpatrick’s family has grown to embrace and support their choices, finding their modifications cool.

Surprisingly, Kirkpatrick’s extreme look hasn’t hindered their professional life. They make an effort to conceal their modifications with clear jewelry, and their employers have been understanding and accepting of their unique self-expression. However, Kirkpatrick acknowledges that landing a “big corporate job” might present a challenge.

Buoyed by the support of their family and their newfound confidence, Kirkpatrick has ambitious plans for future modifications. Their list includes eyeball tattoos, scarification, a full-body blackout suit, more dermals, a split tongue, tattoos under their tongue, a larger stretched labret, larger nostrils, a larger septum, and five-inch earlobes. The journey of self-expression and personal transformation continues.

Despite facing criticism and being called “ugly” by online trolls, Kirkpatrick remains unyielding in their quest for self-expression. This extreme body modification is their personal idea of beauty, and no one’s opinion can alter that. The power to shape one’s identity lies within, and Kirkpatrick has chosen to embrace it wholeheartedly.

What are your thoughts on this extreme body modification? We’d love to hear your perspective in the comments!

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