The NFL’s new “no anthem kneeling” rule has sparked controversy since it went into effect at the start of the season. While there was little that could be done if players took a knee and coaches allowed it, this week things have changed. Referees now have the power to eject players for unsportsmanlike conduct, with penalties being enforced at the end of the opening kickoff.

In a recent game in Buffalo, the opening kickoff resulted in a touchdown, but it was called back to the 3-yard line due to a catch. Right Guard Joe Barron, known for his kneeling protests during the anthem, was ejected from the game. Referee William Vanden Boom commented that this was the best way for players to learn a lesson. “You have to hit them where it hurts most,” he said.

And hitting them where it hurts seems to be an effective strategy. Each player who is ejected now faces hefty fines from both their team and the league, amounting to potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars. All of this for a simple “protest.”

Tara Newhole, a sports analyst for ALLOD Sportsball Analyzer, had a unique perspective on the matter. Newhole, who once dated Vanden Boom’s ex-girlfriend, expressed her opinion without hesitation. She stated, “Anyone who thinks a 20 or 30-year age difference is immoral can come tell me that to my face. Sandy knew how to enjoy football and pound Miller Lite like no other.”

Amidst the confusion surrounding how this topic came up, it was revealed that there may have been a mushroom or 12 involved. Newhole amusingly explained, “I like to make tea, and I won’t apologize.” Regardless, it’s safe to say we’re all relieved that this revelation came up only in the fifth paragraph.

In conclusion, these recent changes illustrate the NFL’s commitment to cracking down on anthem kneeling. Whether you agree or disagree, it’s clear that the league is determined to take a strong stance. God Bless America!