When it comes to Hollywood performers who radiate enthusiasm and warmth, Owen Wilson is always at the top of the list. The 54-year-old actor has captivated fans all over the world with his incredible talent and charm, and he has appeared in numerous blockbuster films throughout his career. But behind his easygoing and relatable demeanor lies a darker side to his personal life – a side that involves his only daughter, whom he has never met.

Owen Wilson’s daughter, Layla, was born in October 2018. However, the actor has chosen to stay away from her life, missing even her 4th birthday celebration, due to his busy schedule. He has a complicated relationship with his daughter that has effectively pushed him away from being a part of her life.

Despite the distance, Wilson does financially support Layla. He pays $25,000 every month for the young girl’s well-being and also covers additional expenses, such as labor coaching, a night nurse, and legal fees for her mother. However, Wilson checked the “no visitation” box in court, clearly stating that he does not want custody of his daughter.

Meanwhile, Layla’s mother, Varunie Vongsvirates, has pleaded with Wilson to be a part of their daughter’s life. Vongsvirates believes that Layla needs a father figure and has expressed her sadness at the actor’s lack of involvement. It’s worth noting that Wilson shares a good connection with the mothers of his two other children and is actively present in their lives.

On the contrary, Wilson has done everything possible to distance himself from Layla and her mother. Even when Vongsvirates reached out to him, telling him how wonderful their daughter is and that she looks just like him with her baby blue eyes and golden hair, he remained unresponsive.

Vongsvirates expressed her disappointment, stating that Wilson’s financial support is not what matters most. Layla deserves a father figure in her life, and it’s disheartening that Wilson continues to play father roles in movies while neglecting his own daughter.

It’s hard to comprehend how someone could be so cold towards their own child, regardless of the circumstances. As a community, let’s share our thoughts in the comments and continue the conversation about Owen Wilson’s approach towards his only daughter.