In an exclusive interview with “Entertainment Tonight,” Mike Sorrentino, best known as “The Situation” from the popular MTV show “Jersey Shore,” opened up about his battle with addiction. Once a “young and wild, careless kid,” Sorrentino confessed that his addiction problem was fueled by the fame and fortune he gained from the show.

Sorrentino reflected on how the success of “Jersey Shore” brought him unimaginable wealth, which only worsened his substance abuse. “Once you give kids millions of dollars and Ferraris and Lambos and girls screaming my name and yes-men everywhere, it’s hard to turn off the excess,” he admitted. “I believe this is not just my problem but a common struggle among people in the entertainment world.”

With his newfound celebrity status and ample monetary resources, Sorrentino revealed that he had easy access to any drug he desired. He candidly shared, “I had everything on me at all times in my Louis Vuitton bag.” From Roxicet to Percocets, Xanax to Valium, and even weed and cocaine, Sorrentino kept a stash of various substances. However, he became skilled at concealing his addiction from MTV producers and finding ways to hide his drugs during filming.

As shocking as it may sound, Sorrentino estimated that he spent an astonishing $500,000 on drugs. Reflecting on this eye-opening figure, he said, “When you hear that number, that’s a good college fund right there.” Realizing the gravity of his actions, he took accountability for his wild and careless behavior.

But there is a silver lining to this story. Sorrentino proudly revealed that he will celebrate eight years of sobriety in December. His journey to recovery and newfound perspective on life is chronicled in his memoir, “Reality Check: Making the Best of The Situation.” Through his book and candid interviews, Sorrentino strives to inspire others facing similar battles and show them that change is possible.

This incredible turnaround demonstrates that no matter how deep one falls into the clutches of addiction, there is always a chance for redemption. Sorrentino’s story serves as a powerful reminder that with determination, support, and the will to change, anyone can overcome their demons and find a way to a brighter, sober future.