Dolly Parton and Keanu Reeves, two internationally adored celebrities, share a special connection that dates back to their early days. During a recent interview on Drew Barrymore’s talk show, Parton revealed an endearing story of how she first met Reeves when he was just a young boy.

The conversation arose when Barrymore asked Parton about the rumor of Reeves’ mother designing the striking bunny outfit that the singer wore on the cover of Playboy magazine’s October 1978 issue. Parton confirmed that Reeves’ mother, costume designer Patricia Taylor, was indeed the mastermind behind her bunny look.

Parton warmly reminisced, “Yes, she did a lot of sewing for me. She did a lot of my clothes, but I remember Keanu when he was just little. She would bring him over to my house for fittings, or sometimes I would visit the shop where she worked.”

Years later, Parton received a knock on her dressing room door during one of her shows. To her surprise, it was Reeves himself, wondering if she remembered him as the little boy who used to sit at her feet while his mother worked.

“Of course, I knew… that he had become a star, but it didn’t click in my mind that it was him,” Parton confessed with a smile.

Barrymore shared another endearing detail, revealing that Reeves had once dressed up as Parton for Halloween and considered it one of his favorite costumes. This story came to light in 2003 when Reeves appeared on the “Late Show with David Letterman” and shared his teenage adventure.

“When I was 16, I dressed up as Dolly Parton. I had the bustier and the ears,” Reeves recalled with a chuckle.

Parton, ever the multi-talented artist, has been busy promoting her new rock album, “Rockstar,” along with her recently released fashion book that chronicles her iconic style choices.

Whether it’s collaborating on fashion or sharing heartfelt memories, the bond between Dolly Parton and Keanu Reeves is a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the unexpected ways in which lives can intersect.