Last weekend, Kayleigh Williamson, a 33-year-old woman with Down syndrome, accomplished an incredible feat by becoming one of the first women with Down syndrome to complete the New York City Marathon. This historic moment was not only a personal victory for Kayleigh but also a heartwarming journey shared with her mom, Sandy Williamson, who ran alongside her daughter.

Reflecting on the memorable day, Sandy, 56, shares that the 10-hour, 9-minute marathon was filled with joyous dancing, heartfelt hugs, and uplifting high fives. According to Sandy, the marathon changed the way she saw her daughter. Every time Kayleigh heard music, she couldn’t help but stop and dance, adding an emotional touch to the last two miles of the race.

Despite sore muscles and discomfort, Kayleigh didn’t give up. Her determination and resilience propelled her forward, refusing to let any obstacle hinder her progress. When asked about her experience, Kayleigh tearfully expressed how she felt knowing she made history. With a hint of pride, she confidently proclaimed, “I am a diva. The whole race I was always fixing my hair. I did a victory dance at the finish line.”

Kayleigh’s running journey began in 2017, around the same time her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Sandy decided to implement healthy lifestyle choices and started running. Kayleigh, eager to join her mother in races, quickly fell in love with the sport. In an effort to create lasting memories for her mother with temporary memory loss, Kayleigh would proudly display her race medals to her mom, turning those moments into cherished ones.

Not only did Kayleigh complete the New York City Marathon, but she has also conquered the Boston Marathon, 21 miles of the Austin Marathon, and an impressive 20 half-marathons. This ambitious and determined young woman continues to inspire others as she works towards her future goals. Up next on her agenda are a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day and several half-marathons in the upcoming months.

Running brings immense joy to Kayleigh. She explains, “I like to run because it makes me feel happy.” Her love for running goes beyond personal fulfillment; Kayleigh ran the NYC marathon not only to make history but also to honor her grandmother, who passed away in 2021. Her grandma had always dreamed of taking Kayleigh to New York City to see the holiday lights, and this marathon was a way to pay tribute to those cherished memories. Kayleigh proudly wore a shirt that read, “Running in memory of my grandma, memories matter, Alzheimer’s awareness.”

During the race, around mile 8, Kayleigh made a touching observation. She stopped her mom, Sandy, and reminded her that she, too, was running in honor of her mom. Kayleigh has a unique ability to see into people’s hearts, and this moment served as a pivotal point in their journey.

After the race, as Sandy and Kayleigh were on their way home to Austin, they had a layover in St. Louis. A kind airline employee asked if Kayleigh needed a wheelchair, to which Sandy proudly replied, “No, she just completed a marathon. She’s one of the first women with Down syndrome to finish the New York City Marathon.” The employee then announced the news to all the passengers waiting at the airport, creating a surreal and heartwarming moment. Kayleigh’s amazing accomplishment even gained attention on social media, with people on the plane recognizing her incredible achievement.

In the end, Kayleigh’s journey goes beyond her personal triumphs and milestones. Her story exemplifies the power of determination, love, and the ability to touch the hearts of others. With her shining spirit and contagious enthusiasm, Kayleigh Williamson continues to inspire people of all ages and abilities.