Fans of Bruce Willis have expressed their concern and urged the actor’s family to grant him privacy after his daughter, Scout LaRue, recently shared videos of him on Instagram. This comes in the wake of the family’s announcement in February 2023 that Willis has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), following earlier speculation about his health.

The Willis family has been incredibly open about sharing updates on the 68-year-old actor’s condition since the disclosure. Tallulah Willis, Bruce’s youngest daughter, appeared on The Drew Barrymore Show to discuss their family’s decision to be transparent about his health. She conveyed that it is not only a reflection of who they are as a family but also a way to raise awareness about FTD, as there is limited information available about this rare form of dementia.

FTD differs from other types of dementia, like Alzheimer’s, as it primarily affects a person’s behavior instead of memory loss. Bruce’s middle daughter, Scout, posted a heart-wrenching video on Instagram in which he appeared visibly different. Comments poured in from concerned fans, appealing to the family to respect his privacy during this challenging time. Many expressed that such intimate moments should remain private, considering Bruce is no longer a public figure.

However, there were also individuals who believed that there was no reason to be ashamed of his illness. They felt that sharing their family’s struggle with the disease could help others going through similar experiences. They emphasized that Bruce’s journey could be inspirational and promote empathy.

Privacy is a sensitive topic, especially for someone like Bruce Willis, who has been in the public eye for decades. It’s essential to strike a balance between raising awareness and respecting an individual’s right to privacy. As fans, we should offer support and understanding while leaving room for the Willis family to decide their level of public disclosure.