Do you have a favorite photo from your childhood that brings back cherished memories? Brian Aerni, a 50-year-old from Denver, Colorado, certainly does. The year was 1976, and he was just three years old when his father captured a delightful image of him at Stapleton International Airport. Little Brian, dressed in a white t-shirt and plaid pants, stood in front of a white and blue Frontier Airlines plane with a wide grin on his face. This photo became a symbol of his love for aviation and a treasured memento from his childhood.

As time went on, Aerni’s fascination with airplanes flourished. Although he ended up pursuing a different career path, he got his pilot’s license later in life and now owns a small private plane. The framed 1976 airport photo takes pride of place on his home wall. In 2015, Aerni decided to embark on a mission to discover the fate of the aircraft in the photo.

Through online research, Aerni learned that the airplane had made its way to Canada and was now owned by Conair, an aerial firefighting company. Intrigued by the idea of recreating the photo with his own three-year-old son, who bore a striking resemblance to young Aerni, he reached out to Conair. To his surprise, they were more than happy to help him with his photography project.

Aerni and his then-wife eagerly boarded a flight to Abbottsford, Canada, armed with a pair of plaid pants for their son to wear in the recreated photo. Upon arriving at the Conair facility, they received a warm welcome. The friendly staff gave them a tour of the facility and even allowed them to go up in the airplane. Finally, the time came to recreate the photo.

In the 2015 version, Aerni’s son flawlessly imitated his father’s pose from 1976 – arms behind his back with a beaming smile. They managed to find plaid pants reminiscent of those worn by young Aerni. Although the airplane was now painted red and white, it was still instantly recognizable. Aerni couldn’t resist posing for another photo, this time with his arms around his son and daughter, capturing a beautiful family moment.

Throughout the day, Aerni felt a deep connection to his late father, even though he couldn’t be there in person. When he shared the recreated photos with his mother, she was overjoyed. They also caught the attention of aviation enthusiasts online and even made it to the front page of the local newspaper. The photos became a testament to the enduring power of family ties and the way they shape our lives across generations.

While Aerni’s son doesn’t yet share his father’s passion for aviation, he enjoys occasional flights in his dad’s private plane. Aerni’s ten-year-old daughter, on the other hand, has a daring streak that has him wondering if she might follow in his footsteps and become a pilot someday. Regardless of their future interests, Aerni is excited to support and share in their journeys.

Sadly, earlier this year, Aerni discovered that the beloved plane from both the 1976 and 2015 photos had been dismantled and sold for scrap. Although this news brought some sadness, Aerni felt eternally grateful for the opportunity he had to reunite with the airplane and capture these precious memories.

Looking back at his pilgrimage, Aerni admits it may have seemed a bit extravagant, but he has no regrets. The recreated photos now hang beneath the original 1976 picture, and together, they always bring a smile to his face. They serve as a constant reminder of the power of cherished memories and the joy that comes from recreating them with loved ones.