Candace Cameron Bure, beloved actress and star of the hit show “Full House,” has recently found herself at the center of media criticism. Her remarks about “traditional marriage” caused quite a stir among her admirers, leaving many offended. But that didn’t stop Candace from standing her ground.

In a world where relationships often struggle to stand the test of time, Candace and her husband, Valeri Bure, have defied the odds. Meeting for the first time at a hockey game in 1994, their love story began to unfold. Two years later, on June 22, 1996, they said their vows and embarked on a journey that has lasted almost two decades.

Despite their busy lives, Candace and Valeri always make it a priority to nurture their relationship and keep the spark alive. One delightful glimpse into their marriage’s lighter side was shared by Candace on Instagram. However, this lighthearted moment was met with negativity by some, who perceived it as unpleasant.

But rather than backing down, Candace stood up for herself and posted the picture on her Facebook page. She shared two images that showcased the “sweet and spicy” love she shares with her husband. In one photo, Valeri is holding Candace by the shoulder, placing his hand on her chest, while his other hand rests on his own chest.

Critics warned her that the image was not suitable for a public figure like herself, who is known as a “Christian star.” But Candace had a response ready for those detractors. She apologized if her words or actions made anyone uncomfortable but boldly declared, “I’m not sorry.” She expressed her joy at still being able to have a good time with her husband after all these years.

After 24 years of marriage, Candace proudly claims to be a “living example” of a happy and healthy marriage. In a subsequent Instagram story video, she couldn’t help but chuckle as she said, “He’s my husband, after all.” She believes he has every right to touch her whenever he wants, and she loves that he exercises that right.

Candace Cameron Bure’s unwavering attitude towards love and happiness in marriage is truly inspiring. Despite the criticism she faces, she remains committed to her beliefs and values. Her story serves as a reminder that true love knows no bounds and that nurturing a marriage requires dedication, laughter, and a little bit of spice.

What are your thoughts on Candace Cameron Bure’s perspective on marriage? We would love to hear your opinions on this subject.