Billie Eilish, the 21-year-old Grammy award-winning pop star, unintentionally revealed her sexuality in a recent interview with Variety magazine. During a red carpet event in Los Angeles, Eilish discussed her hesitance to make a big announcement about her sexual preferences. To her surprise, she didn’t realize that people were unaware of her orientation. Reflecting on this, Eilish passionately expressed, “I just don’t really believe in it. I’m just, like, ‘Why can’t we just exist?’”

In November, the cover article was published, inadvertently leading Eilish to come out. When the singer saw the article, she realized, “Oh, I guess I came out today.” Despite the unexpected revelation, Eilish found it exciting that people now knew. She proudly declared, “I am for the girls.”

In the Variety article, Eilish opened up about her strong connection with women. Having never felt that she could relate well to girls in the past, Eilish now cherishes and loves them. She expressed her attraction to women both emotionally and physically, highlighting the deep connections she shares with the women in her life, including her friends and family. At the same time, Eilish admits to feeling intimidated by their beauty and presence.

While Eilish initially appreciated the Variety interview, she later criticized the media outlet on Instagram. She expressed her frustration at being essentially outed on the red carpet instead of discussing more meaningful topics at the event. Eilish emphasized that her sexuality should not be the sole focus of public attention, stating, “I like boys and girls, leave me alone about it, please. Literally, who cares?”

Billie Eilish’s unintentional coming out has sparked conversations, highlighting the importance of acceptance and allowing individuals to embrace their true selves. With her openness and authenticity, this young icon continues to break barriers and inspire others to do the same.