Festivus is a unique holiday that offers a refreshing alternative to the traditional celebration. If you feel the need to let out your frustrations and complaints from the past year, then Festivus is the perfect time to do it! And guess what? The Tampa Bay Times wants to hear all about it and will even publish your grievances!

Unlike the cheerful and festive atmosphere of Christmas, Festivus takes a different approach. Instead of decorating a beautiful Christmas tree, Festivus is represented by a simple aluminum pole. And instead of spreading love and joy, Festivus encourages the airing of grievances.

This unconventional holiday was first introduced in a 1997 episode of Seinfeld called “The Strike.” Frank Costanza, played by the hilarious Jerry Stiller, came up with the idea of Festivus and brought it to his family. Festivus includes the “airing of grievances” and “feats of strength.” It all begins with Frank shouting, “I’ve got a lot of problems with you people and now you’re going to hear about it!”

Since that episode aired, people all over the world have embraced the Festivus tradition. It has been practiced at bars, parties, and family gatherings. It’s a time when you can express your annoyances with loved ones, acquaintances, jobs, trends, and businesses. Let all those grievances out and start the new year with a fresh perspective!

Christopher Spata, a feature writer with the Tampa Bay Times and a self-proclaimed Festivus expert, explains that Festivus is a “secular anti-consumerism alternative Christmas.” He believes that airing your grievances is a cathartic way to let go of the frustrations of the past year and maybe, just maybe, it could lead to treating each other with more love in the upcoming year. Well, probably not, but it’s still pretty funny!

Spata introduced Festivus to the Tampa Bay Times eight years ago, and it has become an annual tradition. The newspaper is now inviting people from all around the world to submit their grievances on any subject of their choice before December 7th. One of Spata’s favorite grievances came from a mother in St. Petersburg.

Over the years, certain themes have emerged in the submitted grievances. E-scooters seem to be a common complaint, with dozens of people expressing their frustration about them cluttering the streets. Another recurring grievance is about people not returning shopping carts to the designated areas and leaving them scattered in parking lots.

With the pandemic, people had plenty to complain about. Masks became a hot topic, with grievances like, “Why is your nose sticking out of your mask?” or “Why are you pulling your mask down to talk to me?” Festivus allowed people to express their frustrations in a humorous way, but some submissions also touched on more serious issues, such as mental health struggles.

Festivus is meant to be a safe space for people to be heard. Even if there’s no immediate solution, just having the opportunity to express yourself can be incredibly therapeutic. So, if you have something to get off your chest, don’t hesitate to submit your grievances to the Tampa Bay Times. Your complaint might just make someone else’s day!

Spata hopes that one day, Jerry Seinfeld or Larry David, the creators of Seinfeld, will send in a grievance. It would be the ultimate dream come true for him. Larry David, known for his trivial and petty complaints, would fit right in with the Festivus spirit. Maybe one day, he’ll send in a grievance, and Spata can retire happily.

In the meantime, let’s embrace Festivus and make the most of this unique holiday. Gather your coworkers or family, grab a plain aluminum pole, and let the grievances flow. It’s time to celebrate Festivus, the holiday for the rest of us!

A Festivus kiosk in Adams Morgan where residents can write their complaints