A Love Born on the Movie Set

In 1987, on the set of the film ‘Lemon Sky’, two Hollywood stars, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick, crossed paths. Bacon, already famous for his role in ‘Footloose’, encountered Sedgwick, a rising star in her own right. Little did they know, this meeting would be the start of a love story that would defy the odds of a typical Hollywood relationship.

Love at First Sight

The connection between Bacon and Sedgwick was immediate and profound. Within the same year of meeting, they swiftly got engaged. And by 1988, they exchanged vows, embarking on a marital journey that many in Hollywood would envy.

A Partnership On and Off the Screen

Not only did Bacon and Sedgwick merge their lives as a couple, but they also merged their promising Hollywood careers. As their family grew with the arrival of their children, Travis and Sosie, they navigated the challenges of the entertainment industry while maintaining a stable family life.

A Profound Attraction

Bacon vividly remembers his first meeting with Sedgwick. He was instantly captivated by her presence, describing himself as being “knocked out”. Sedgwick, too, felt a profound realization, describing Bacon as feeling “like home”, and recognizing him as her life partner.

Professional Synergy

Their relationship extended beyond their personal lives and into their professional endeavors. Sedgwick took on the director’s role in the film ‘Space Oddity’, allowing her to showcase Bacon’s acting skills in a nuanced way. This collaboration demonstrated their deep understanding and respect for each other’s craft.

Making a Difference Together

Bacon and Sedgwick not only thrive in the entertainment industry but also show a strong commitment to social and political causes. Their dedication to making a difference sets an example for others in the industry.

Kevin and Kyra