As children, we often delighted in the wonders of our imagination. Whether it was pretending to enter a magical world or discovering a hidden door, our minds were full of curiosity. But as we grow older, the fantastical elements of our childhood tend to fade away.

However, that doesn’t mean that exciting surprises can’t still be found in the world around us. Just ask the man who purchased a new apartment in the UK 11 years ago. Little did he know that his new home held a secret – a hidden trapdoor that led to an unknown room.

Finding a hidden door or space in a property we’ve just bought is always intriguing. Sadly, such discoveries are usually few and far between. But for this new homeowner, the keys to his new place unlocked more than just his front door. He stumbled upon a secret, underground man cave through a trapdoor in the floor!

It turns out that the apartment was part of an English monastery from the 19th century and was later converted into modern apartments. The man got a great deal on his purchase, not knowing that he was also gaining access to a hidden room.

Located in front of the bathroom door, the handle on the floor led to another area beneath the floorboards. Initially, it seemed like a small storage space. However, as he descended the stone steps into the darkness, he discovered something much bigger.

The room he found resembled a dungeon from another era rather than a typical cellar or living space. Its purpose left him with countless questions. What was this space used for in the past?

Check out the video below to see more:

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