A Story of Loyalty and Insecurity

Actress and philanthropist Angelina Jolie has made headlines with her recent announcement to pass on her inheritance rights to five of her six children. This shocking news has left many people, especially those between the ages of 45 and 65, wondering why she made such a drastic decision. In this article, we will take a closer look at the details and explore the potential impact of Jolie’s succession plan.

The Role of the Son Has Been Awarded

One of the most surprising aspects of Jolie’s decision is her choice to leave her entire $116 million fortune to her son Maddox. Why? Jolie credits Maddox with invaluable support during her difficult divorce from Brad Pitt. Out of her six children, Maddox was the only one who actively helped her through this challenging process, and her decision is understandable from a place of gratitude.

Uncomfortable and Unsettling?

Jolie’s decision may have been influenced by her gratitude for her son, but it has also caused worry and concern among those close to the Jolie-Pitt family. Jolie’s ex-husband, Brad Pitt, is angry about the unequal distribution of the inheritance. He sees Maddox as the “golden child” and feels that excluding the other children from their share is unfair and could create tension within the family.

Jolie-Pitt Family Troubles

The Jolie-Pitt family has experienced a great deal of turmoil in recent years. The couple went through a bitter and highly publicized divorce, which included a custody battle for their children. Jolie filed for divorce in September 2016, citing concerns about Pitt’s parenting style. The divorce proceedings were further strained by an unpleasant incident involving Brad, Angie, and Maddox.

Allegations and Investigations

Jolie claimed that Pitt assaulted Maddox during the incident, leading to an investigation by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services. However, Pitt was not charged. The incident exacerbated the strain in Jolie and Pitt’s relationship, and Brad became frustrated with Angelina’s refusal to correct the public record about the incident.

A Long Battle Ahead

If the reports about Jolie’s succession plan are accurate, Brad and Angelina could be locked in a legal battle for years to come over the well-being of their children. The consequences of this decision could have a lasting impact on their already complex relationship. This case highlights the challenges and difficult choices that families, even those in the world of fame and fortune, face. As the story unfolds, questions arise about the nature of inheritance, family dynamics, and the long-term consequences of a high-profile divorce. Angelina Jolie’s estate planning journey serves as a reminder that, regardless of fame and fortune, families encounter unique challenges and must make difficult choices.