We all have memories of doing silly things as kids. It’s a part of growing up and learning to make safe choices. But sometimes, even the most intelligent youngsters can be influenced by peer pressure and convince themselves to take part in dangerous stunts. This is exactly what happened to 11-year-old Tyler Broome when he decided to try a YouTube craze called ‘the roundabout of death’.

Now, just from the name, you can tell that this is not something to be taken lightly. But for Tyler, it wasn’t about danger. He simply wanted to prove to his friends that he was fearless. Little did he know that participating in this stunt could have dire consequences.

The roundabout of death involves sitting in the middle of a playground roundabout while it’s spun at high speed using the rear wheel of a motorcycle. The extreme centrifugal force puts immense pressure on the body, comparable to what fighter pilots and astronauts experience.

Shortly after trying this dangerous stunt, Tyler was found unconscious near the roundabout, with possible damage to his brain and vision. It’s believed that he was dared into the game by a group of older teenagers who approached him and his friend in a local park.

Tyler’s distraught mother, Dawn, spoke about the terrifying ordeal: “I don’t recognize my child – he is on the verge of having a stroke. Tyler sat on the roundabout, and the boy who came over was about 17. Tyler doesn’t know him, they are not friends. He puts his motorbike on the floor, gets the roundabout spinning at such a speed. When they all stopped, the group just cleared off – it is bullying.”

The injuries Tyler sustained were so severe that hospital staff had never seen anything like it before. They had to conduct research before they could begin treating him. His head swelled up, his blood vessels burst, and his eyes looked alien. His vision became blurry. It was a horrifying experience for both Tyler and his family.

This serves as a reminder to all parents that children can be easily influenced to do things that we adults would never consider. We must stay vigilant and educate our children about the dangers of following trends that could put their lives at risk.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to young Tyler and his family. Let’s spread the word about this incredibly dangerous game so that other children can be saved from similar ordeals.