Baby who looked 8 months’ pregnant because of deadly disease

Karen Rodas and Paul Rybkin’s son, Nathaniel, unfortunately, lived for only 36 hours due to a rare condition called Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). This condition causes cysts to form in the kidneys, ultimately leading to kidney failure. In 2013, the couple had another child, Maddy, who also had PKD. However, after struggling with the disease for two years, Maddy was offered a lifeline, thanks to her dad.

Maddy’s condition caused her abdomen to swell, and she spent much of the first 18 months of her life in and out of the hospital. Despite the constant medical attention, including tubes and oxygen treatments, Maddy’s health started to deteriorate. She was constantly drained of energy, sleeping up to 18 hours a day and experiencing frequent vomiting.

The doctors warned that Maddy’s life was in jeopardy unless a suitable kidney donor was found. Miraculously, her father Paul was identified as a match and could provide the life-saving operation she so desperately needed.

Karen, Maddy’s mother, recalls feeling extremely nervous as both her husband and daughter underwent surgery. However, the operation was a success, and both father and daughter are now on the road to recovery.

“Daddy’s kidney has saved our little girl,” Karen joyfully exclaimed. “Now, she has boundless energy. Her once bloated tummy now looks just slightly rounded, and she is a happy and healthy two-year-old.”

Paul, being modest about his selfless act, believes any parent would have done the same in his situation. “We have been through a rollercoaster of emotions, but as a father, I knew I had to donate my kidney to Maddy. It’s all a part of being a parent,” he stated.

As Maddy grows up as a happy and healthy little girl, her parents are grateful for the opportunity to watch their daughter flourish. While another kidney transplant will be necessary in 25 years, for now, they are enjoying the present and looking forward to a bright future.

If you’d like to follow Maddy’s inspiring journey, her mom continues to provide updates on her progress. It’s incredible to witness how far she’s come and see how well she’s doing today in 2023. Let’s join together in wishing Maddy a long, happy, and healthy life.

So grateful that something could be done. Bless Maddy and her dad too! Please share to send well wishes on Maddy’s journey to health.