Lauren Wasser, a Californian model, had her life drastically altered in 2012 when she was hospitalized with what she thought were flu symptoms. Little did she know that it was toxic shock syndrome caused by bacterial toxins from using tampons. Toxic shock syndrome, or TTS, is an infection that can occur when tampons are left inserted for too long.

The severity of the infection left Lauren in a coma for over a week, and sadly, she had to undergo the amputation of one of her legs due to the spread of the infection. She was just 24 years old at the time. Since then, Lauren has dedicated herself to ensuring that no one else has to suffer the same fate.

Championing a Cause

“In a few months, I’m inevitably going to have my other leg amputated. There’s nothing I can do about it. But what I can do is help make sure that this doesn’t happen to others,” Lauren shares with The Daily Mail. She has launched a courageous legal battle against Kotex Natural Balance, the brand of tampons that caused her severe reaction.

Lauren emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about the potential dangers of tampons. “Considering that the vagina is the most absorbent part of a woman’s body and is a gateway to many of our vital organs, it is crucial that consumers know the reality of what could happen to them,” she writes in InStyle.

A Journey of Resilience

Despite the challenges she faces, Lauren continues to show incredible strength and optimism. Recently, she had to undergo the amputation of her other leg. Fueled by her determination, she shared a photo on her social media accounts alongside Paralympic athlete Amy Purdy, who has also faced amputations. In her post, Lauren expressed her readiness for the next chapter of her life.

“Life is about to be so different, again! I’m in great spirits though and ready for my next chapter,” she wrote. This inspiring woman deserves our utmost respect and support as she fights not only for herself but for others. Her goal is to raise awareness among all women about the potential dangers of tampons.

Spread the Word

It is crucial that we share Lauren’s story to ensure that women everywhere are aware of the potential risks associated with tampon use. Together, we can help prevent others from experiencing the same life-changing consequences. Let us stand by Lauren and support her mission to safeguard women’s health.

Please share Lauren’s story and join her in raising awareness about the importance of informed choices when it comes to menstrual products. Together, we can make a difference and empower women to prioritize their well-being.