In a rare moment of honesty, Paris Jackson, the 22-year-old daughter of the legendary Michael Jackson, recently shared some insights into her upbringing and the close relationship she shares with her siblings. In her popular Facebook Watch series, Unfiltered, Paris and her three brothers revealed that they consider Omer Bhatti, a 36-year-old Norwegian dancer and rapper, as their “oldest brother”.

It may come as a surprise to those who thought that Prince Jackson, 23, and Blanket Jackson, 18, were Paris’ only brothers. But, according to Paris and her siblings, Omer has always been a part of their family and was seen as another sibling by their father.

During the episode, Omer confirmed his bond with the Jackson family, saying, “I consider myself an older brother because my mother was employed as Prince’s nanny when he was born, and Paris, I’ve been there since she was a baby. I’d say we kind of raised her. Yes, she is my younger sister in every way.”

Paris, who sees her older brothers as her closest friends, spoke about the special connection they share. “They have my whole love,” she expressed. “Every time we see each other, we feel revitalized by our time together.”

Interestingly, Paris also revealed that she rarely, if ever, has any conflicts with Omer. “We’ve honestly never had problems, never disagreed, never had arguments,” she admitted. This is in contrast to her relationship with Prince, who is only 14 months older. Like many siblings, Paris and Prince frequently find themselves in disputes due to their close age proximity.

Omer, having observed the development of each Jackson sibling, shared his unique insight into their personalities. “Paris was undoubtedly a rebel, always more rebellious than Prince,” he revealed. “When they were kids, Prince and Paris were diametrically opposed.” He explained that Prince is more in line with rules and regulations, while he saw himself as the big brother figure guiding Paris and teaching her about right and wrong.

Omer Bhatti, also known as O-Bee, first crossed paths with Michael Jackson when he started performing at the age of nine. Reflecting on their bond, Omer said, “Being on TV and having these appearances subsequently brought me to Michael Jackson. In a sense, he adopted me and served as a father figure and mentor to me.” Omer soaked up everything and looked up to Michael, proving to be a miniature version of the pop icon. He even joined Michael on his tour and had the privilege of sitting right on the stage.

Through their shared experiences and unwavering support, Paris Jackson and her brothers have built a strong bond that transcends the traditional definition of family. Their tight-knit relationship serves as a reminder of the power of love and connection, regardless of age or blood relation.