At 85 years old, Jane Fonda has been a beloved figure in the celebrity world for decades. While some fans have expressed concern over her age and health scares, Fonda herself recently shared her perspective on death, revealing that she is “not scared”.

Having spent the majority of her life in the spotlight, Fonda now aims to use her remaining time on Earth to emphasize the importance of celebrities using their voices for important causes. During a recent interview, she expressed that she is “not afraid of death,” but acknowledges that her time is limited.

Last year, Fonda announced that she had been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which understandably led her to reflect on her mortality. “When you get to be my age, you better be aware of the amount of time that is behind you, as opposed to in front of you. I mean, that’s just realistic,” she shared with Entertainment Tonight. Fonda then went on to undergo chemotherapy treatment for her cancer diagnosis.

Despite the challenges she faced, Fonda responded well to her treatment and shared the good news on her website. “Last week I was told by my oncologist that my cancer is in remission and I can discontinue chemo. I am feeling so blessed, so fortunate,” she wrote.

While Fonda is grateful for her recovery, she also holds a unique perspective on death. The Academy Award-winner sees it as an adventure, stating that she is “not scared of dying”. However, she does have one fear – reaching the end of life with regrets and not having the time to do anything about it. Fonda admitted that she has very few regrets but expressed a desire to have been a different kind of mother to her children when they were younger.

As an admirer of Jane Fonda, I, for one, will miss her when she is gone. How about you? Are you a fan? Let us know in the comments below. In the meantime, let’s celebrate Fonda’s incredible work by sharing this article on Facebook.