Seeing their newborn baby for the first time is a moment filled with joy and anticipation for any parent. For Jennie Wilklow and her husband, it was no different. They couldn’t wait to hold their daughter, Anna, in their arms. But little did they know, their lives were about to take an unexpected turn.

Anna was born with a rare condition called harlequin ichthyosis. This condition causes her skin to form thick diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks. It was a shock for Jennie and her husband when they heard the diagnosis.

But despite the challenges Anna faced, she proved to be a little fighter. The doctors weren’t even sure if she would survive, but Anna defied all odds. She showed her strength and resilience, becoming a beacon of hope and inspiration.

Treating harlequin ichthyosis is not easy. It requires constant baths and keeping the skin moisturized as much as possible. Jennie dedicated herself to taking care of Anna, covering her in Vaseline every few hours and spending many hours of the day bathing her. It was a struggle, especially when it came to choosing what clothes Anna could wear, but Jennie persevered for her daughter’s sake.

To raise awareness about harlequin ichthyosis, Jennie started sharing photos of Anna on her Instagram page, harlequindiva. She wanted others to understand the everyday struggles and the beautiful spirit her daughter possessed. Anna’s story captured hearts all over the world because she epitomizes true beauty.

Jennie believes that Anna was meant for her and she was meant for Anna. Together, they will show the world what true beauty is. Every new accomplishment Anna achieves is a cause for celebration, not just for Jennie and their family, but for people everywhere who have been touched by their story.

Anna is fortunate to have parents who love her unconditionally and do everything in their power to give her a normal life. She is a living testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of love.

Let’s spread awareness about harlequin ichthyosis by sharing this article with our family and friends. Anna’s journey is an inspiration, and by sharing her story, we can help others understand and appreciate true beauty in all its forms.