Being expectant parents is an exhilarating experience, but when you find out you’re expecting twins, the excitement can be overwhelming. Matt and Jodi Parry felt just that when they discovered they were pregnant with twins, adding two more angels to their family. Little did they know that their joy would soon be clouded by fear and anxiety.

Their doctor delivered heartbreaking news with two simple words: “I’m sorry.” The Parrys were stunned to learn that their twins, Abigail and Isobel, had been diagnosed with Down’s syndrome. But it was the way the doctor shared the news that stung the most. Jodi recalls feeling like being a mom was suddenly a punishment, leaving her confused and lost.

The odds of having twins with Down’s syndrome are incredibly rare, occurring only once in a million births. With little guidance from doctors, the Parrys embarked on a journey filled with uncertainty. Fear consumed them as they wondered if their girls would ever walk, talk, or go to school. But they were determined to fight for their daughters.

Ignoring the doubters and naysayers, the Parrys decided to gather as much information and support for themselves as possible. They refused to let society’s misconceptions dampen their spirits. While some may have felt sorry for their family, Abigail and Isobel were showered with love from those who truly knew them.

Today, five years later, Abigail and Isobel have defied all expectations. They are living proof that every individual, regardless of syndrome or diagnosis, deserves a chance at life. The doctor and the prejudiced people in their surroundings were proven wrong. The Parrys have built a beautiful and thriving family, filled with love and happiness.

It is crucial to remember that people with Down’s syndrome should have the same opportunities and freedoms as anyone else. No one should be made to feel invisible because of a diagnosis. Let us stand together and support inclusiveness for all. Like and share if you agree!


Abigail and Isobel, thriving and happy

The Parry family, love knows no bounds