We all know the feeling – that irresistible urge to shower our adorable pets with kisses, even if we’re fully aware of where their tongues have been. But here’s a little-known fact: letting your pet’s tongue touch your face can actually lead to serious bacterial infections. In some cases, these infections can even result in the loss of limbs or be fatal.

Now, before you dismiss this as an overreaction, let’s consider where your furry friend’s tongue has been. From their nether region to eating poop-stained grass, it’s not exactly the definition of cleanliness. Suddenly, those expressions of love might not seem so cute anymore.

But it’s not just about what they leave behind on your skin. There’s a bacteria called Capnocytophaga Canimorsus that lives inside the mouths of dogs and cats. While these germs don’t make our beloved pets sick, they can easily spread to humans through scratches, bites, or even close contact. And here’s where things get serious – Capnocytophaga infection can cause complications like heart attack, kidney failure, and even gangrene. In some severe cases, amputation of fingers, toes, or limbs may be necessary to save one’s life.

It’s important to note that symptoms of the infection usually appear within three to five days, and about 3 in 10 people with a severe infection die. People who are immunocompromised, elderly, heavy alcohol consumers, or spleenless individuals are at an even greater risk.

While cases of these infections are rare, there have been a few that have caught public attention. For instance, South African actress Charlbi Dean passed away unexpectedly in 2022 due to bacterial sepsis, possibly related to an earlier spleen removal. And in 2019, Marie Trainer from Ohio had both hands and legs amputated after getting a rare infection from a German shepherd puppy that licked an open wound. Miraculously, Trainer chose to keep her dogs and even had them visit her in the hospital during her recovery.

So, what’s the solution? The TikTok user “medexplained2you” suggests an easy fix – stop tonguing your furry friends altogether. However, many pet lovers remain unconvinced and scoff at the idea of not kissing their beloved animals. Some argue that they’ve been doing it for years without any issues, while others even consider their pets as their children.

Of course, there were also those who found humor in the situation, pointing out that dogs have cleaner mouths than some people. And there were some who appreciated the TikTok user’s advice, especially when it comes to newborn babies and their interactions with pets.

In the end, the choice is yours. But it’s important to weigh the potential risks and prioritize your health. After all, is a moment of affection worth the risk of serious complications? Let us know what you think in the comments. And don’t forget to share this story to spread awareness and hear others’ opinions.