Please keep the late actress Jane Fonda in your thoughts and prayers. -

Jane Fonda, the 85-year-old actress known for her role in “Grace and Frankie,” recently opened up about her experience with chemotherapy. Last year, she was diagnosed with non-lymphoma, and despite her cancer being in remission now, she admits that the chemotherapy was not easy for her.

Fonda shared that while the initial rounds of chemotherapy were not too unpleasant, as time went on, the treatment became more taxing. She also revealed that she found out her cancer was in remission just two days before her 85th birthday, giving her a reason to celebrate but also an opportunity to reflect on life and mortality.

Reflecting on mortality is something Fonda has done for the past 30 years, believing that it is essential for living a fulfilling life. She pointed out that other cultures are not as afraid of contemplating death as we are. Thinking about mortality has significantly improved her own life, especially after her cancer diagnosis, as it made her more determined to achieve her goals and avoid any regrets.

Jane Fonda at a climate protest in Washington, D.C. - Instagram/Jane Fonda

In December, Fonda happily shared on Instagram that her cancer was in remission and that she was able to stop chemotherapy. She expressed her gratitude to everyone who had prayed for her and supported her through this journey, believing that their positive energy played a part in her recovery.

During her treatment, Fonda faced some challenges. However, she recovered in time to continue her activism work. She attended a climate protest in Washington, D.C., to raise awareness about climate change and spoke at the Democracy Alliance about the importance of taking action.

Fonda’s commitment to fighting for causes she believes in has not wavered, even in the face of cancer. She sees her illness as an opportunity to rally others to make a difference during what she considers the most critical time in human history. She acknowledged her privilege in being able to afford high-quality healthcare and vowed to use her platform and collective power to influence positive change.

Jane Fonda organizing a Fire Drill Fridays rally for climate change awareness - Instagram/Jane Fonda

In September, Fonda publicly announced her diagnosis and the start of her chemotherapy treatments. She highlighted the treatability of her cancer and expressed gratitude for the medical advancements that have improved patients’ outcomes. Despite the challenges she faced, Fonda remains determined and continues to use every tool in her toolbox to make an impact, especially through her Fire Drill Fridays group, which raises awareness about climate change.

Jane Fonda’s journey with chemotherapy and her resilience in the face of cancer serve as an inspiration to us all. Her commitment to fighting for causes she believes in and her positive outlook on life are reminders of the importance of embracing every moment and making a difference in the world.