In a heartwarming video that has captured the attention of puzzled but adoring cyber citizens, a man can be seen carrying his large dog in his arms while his small child walks beside him. The sight is both sweet and funny, sparking conversations about family priorities.

Luz Elena, from Mexico, recorded the video titled “When your priority is your dog, not the child.” It shows the father, with one hand holding his son’s hand and the other cradling a large gray pit bull. The dog’s tongue wagging as its head rests on the man’s shoulder.

As the trio crosses the street and continues down the sidewalk, a woman joins them. She is seen pushing a child’s three-wheeled stroller or bike that’s carrying a big-boxed item. One TikTok user humorously suggested that the child had to walk because their transportation was “poached” by the mother.

Others raised concerns about the hot pavement, suggesting that the dad carried the dog to protect its paws from burning while the child’s feet were shielded by shoes. Many users praised the dad for displaying empathy and responsibility towards both his pet and his son. It’s heartening to see non-traditional, interspecies families receiving love and appreciation.

Despite being posted over a year ago, this adorable video continues to captivate viewers, garnering about 4.7 million views. The love and care shown by this dad towards his dog and child are truly heartwarming and deserve applause.

It is truly adorable to witness how this dad expresses his love for his dog and child. We could all learn from his example and treat animals with the same kind of love and affection. What are your thoughts on this dad’s incredible gesture?