Akiane Kramarik is an exceptional artist whose masterpiece “Prince of Peace” captivated the world. At the age of 8, she painted an ethereal image of Jesus that was later stolen, mistakenly sold, and kept hidden for 16 years. Now, as a 28-year-old bestselling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, Akiane continues to inspire with her spiritual artwork.

When Akiane appeared on the Oprah Show at the age of 9, her talent was evident. Oprah asked her where her gift comes from, to which she confidently replied, “It comes from God.” Despite not growing up in a religious household, Akiane’s art was accompanied by a profound spiritual awakening.

Her mother, Forelli Kramarik, recalls that as Akiane began to share visions and dreams, conversations about God’s love and presence became intense. These experiences were not influenced by external factors, as Akiane was homeschooled without television or outside influences. It was clear to the family that Akiane’s words about God came from a genuine place.

Akiane explained that the inspiration for her portrait of Jesus came from a vision she had since she was a preschooler. She had tried to express it through poetry and writing, but found that painting was the best medium to convey the complexity of the vision. Determined to find a model for her Jesus, she asked her family to pray for the right person to come into their lives.

Their prayers were answered when a tall carpenter, who resembled Jesus and also worked as a carpenter, showed up at their door looking for work. Akiane immediately recognized him and asked her mother if he could be her model. With the carpenter as her inspiration, she painted the “Prince of Peace,” a painting that would later gain international recognition.

Unfortunately, the painting was stolen during transportation to an exhibition. After a long legal battle, it was returned to Akiane, covered in sawdust, which she carefully removed. Determined to share her spiritually-inspired artwork with the world, Akiane focused on creating new masterpieces while selling prints of the “Prince of Peace” to keep its memory alive.

In 2019, a miracle happened. The “Prince of Peace” was purchased for a staggering $850,000 by an anonymous family rumored to be one of the world’s most distinguished and esteemed families. They saw themselves as stewards of the painting, with a mission to protect it for future generations.

When Akiane finally unwrapped her beloved painting after almost two decades, tears streamed down her face. She dropped to her knees, overwhelmed by the sight of her masterpiece. In an interview with CBS, she expressed her awe and gratitude for being able to see it in the light again after so long.

Today, Akiane’s early years and the iconic painting, “Prince of Peace,” are exhibited at the Belóved Gallery in Marble Falls, TX. This exhibition showcases the extraordinary talent of Akiane Kramarik, a gifted artist whose realistic pieces touch the hearts of many, regardless of their faith.

Have you seen Akiane’s work? If so, what is your favorite piece?