It’s a sad reality that some parents have to face the loss of their little ones. The story of 6-year-old Leland Shoemake is one that will tug at your heartstrings. Leland was a typical 6-year-old boy from Georgia who touched the hearts of those who knew him with his infectious happiness, sharp intellect, and creative spirit.

According to his mother, Amber Shoemake, Leland was a little nerd who loved learning. He had an impressive knowledge of ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, and even knew 20 sight words by the time he was just a year old. Leland had a passion for history, weather, and documentaries. He was truly a special child.

In 2015, Leland fell ill and was hospitalized. His condition quickly worsened, and doctors discovered that he had a brain infection caused by an amoeba called Balamuthia mandrillaris. It remains a mystery how Leland contracted the bacteria, but it’s possible that he came into contact with it while playing outdoors, which he loved to do. Despite the efforts to save him, Leland passed away on September 25, 2015.

As Leland’s parents returned home from the hospital, their grief was overwhelming. However, amidst their sorrow, their attention was drawn to a note resting on their living room table. Leland, known for leaving notes and drawings for his parents, had left a final heartfelt message for them. The note read: “Still with you… Thank you mom and dad… Love.” And he drew a red heart with the words “mom,” “dad,” and “love” inside.

This note brought unimaginable comfort to Leland’s grieving parents. It reminded them of the love and connection they shared with their beloved son, offering a glimmer of solace during their heartbreaking loss. According to his mother, Leland was always a special child, and this note served as a testament to that.

The story of Leland Shoemake is a reminder of the importance of cherishing each day with our loved ones. It’s a heartbreaking journey for any parent to bury their own child, but by sharing Leland’s story, we ensure that his memory lives on. Let us remember Leland for the incredible young boy he was and hold dear the precious moments we have with our loved ones, for life can change in an instant.


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