In late September 2017, Chip and Joanna Gaines made the difficult decision to end their beloved home remodeling TV series Fixer Upper, which had captured the hearts of millions since its debut in 2013. While they cited their desire to spend more time with their children as the reason for this decision, there are some concerns about their future and the challenges they might face as a couple.

Chip’s Legal Troubles

One of the major concerns surrounding Chip and Joanna Gaines is a lawsuit that Chip is facing. He has been accused of fraud by his former business partners, who claim that he manipulated them into selling their shares of Magnolia Realty before the announcement of the TV show. The lawsuit is seeking more than $1 million in damages and non-monetary compensation.

Although Chip has denied these allegations, stating that his partners never contacted him about their shares, the case is still ongoing. It’s disheartening to see people trying to take advantage of Chip and Joanna’s hard work and success.

Allegations of Homophobia

Another concern that has been raised about Chip and Joanna Gaines is their involvement with the Antioch Community Church, which reportedly practices contentious LGBT conversion therapy. Furthermore, some have pointed out that their show, Fixer Upper, never featured same-sex couples, unlike other popular home renovation shows.

However, HGTV, the network that aired Fixer Upper, has denied these allegations, stating that they do not discriminate against members of the LGBTQ+ community in any of their shows. Chip himself defended the authors of the articles that brought up these concerns, emphasizing the importance of respect and love for all.

Differences in Family Planning

Joanna and Chip’s differing views on expanding their family also raise some questions about their future. While Joanna has expressed a desire for another child or even twins, Chip believes that their family is complete. This difference in opinion could potentially lead to tension or even a breakup.

Reading Between the Lines

Even their body language in their farewell video for Fixer Upper has caught some attention. While Chip appears joyful and lighthearted, Joanna seems somewhat uneasy. Body language experts have even noted that she appears withdrawn and disinterested in Chip, based on how she positions her legs.

Despite these concerns, it’s essential to remember that Chip and Joanna Gaines have become beloved figures in the world of home renovation. They have inspired countless people to transform their own homes and embrace their unique styles. While no one knows what the future holds for them, we can only hope that they find happiness and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.
