Mom told to abort baby, she doesn't listen – 2 years later, she mails doctor a letter

The bond between a mother and her child is indescribable. When faced with a difficult decision about her pregnancy, one young mother knew in her heart what she needed to do. Let’s dive into this incredible story that will warm your heart, as we explore her inspiring journey.

The Doctor’s Recommendation

Every expectant mother hopes for a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby. However, when this young mother went for her routine doctor’s appointments, she received news that didn’t sway her love for her unborn child.

During one appointment, the doctors informed her that her baby had Down syndrome. As expected, they suggested terminating the pregnancy. But instead of following their advice, she made the brave decision to carry her baby to full term.

A Loving Mother’s Choice

Courtney Williams Baker is the proud mother of Emersyn, a beautiful little girl with Down syndrome. Despite the doctor’s recommendation to end the pregnancy, Courtney and her husband refused to give up on their child.

Two years later, Courtney decided to write a heartfelt letter to the doctor. In the letter, she shared her thoughts and experiences of being a mother to a child with Down syndrome. Her words captivated the essence of her journey.

She began by recounting a story her friend had shared, about a doctor who saw her baby during sonograms and exclaimed, “He’s perfect.” However, when her friend’s son was born with Down syndrome, the doctor showed the same unwavering support, proclaiming, “I told you. He’s perfect.”

A Letter Inspired by Longing

This story deeply affected Courtney. She longed for the same compassionate treatment during her pregnancy with Emersyn. In her letter, she expressed her sorrow, saying, “I wish you would have been that doctor. I came to you during the most difficult time in my life, terrified, anxious, and in complete despair.”

Courtney lamented the lack of support and encouragement she received from the doctor. Rather than offering comfort, the doctor suggested terminating the pregnancy multiple times. It was a painful experience for Courtney, as she knew her child was perfect in every way.

Emersyn’s Impact

Despite the challenges, Courtney’s determination and love for her daughter prevailed. Emersyn brought a new meaning to her life. Courtney shared, “You see, Emersyn has not only added to our quality of life, but she’s also touched the hearts of thousands. She’s given us purpose, immeasurable joy, and love that words cannot express. She’s opened our eyes to true beauty and pure love.”

This heartwarming story showcases a mother’s unwavering love and the beauty of embracing differences. If you found this story inspiring, check out another moving tale where a mother writes a letter, filled with tough love, to her son.

Spread the Love

This letter is a testament to the unconditional love within this family. Share this incredible story with your friends and family to spread the love and inspire others to cherish every precious life.