Family finds abandoned cat on the street

This heartwarming story takes us back to 2016 when a tiny baby kitten was found wandering alone on the streets of Thailand. A nearby family came across this adorable little creature during their evening stroll.

Upon closer inspection, they quickly realized that this kitten was unlike any they had ever seen before. Intrigued, the family contacted The Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT), an animal organization dedicated to the welfare of wildlife.

After a thorough examination, the experts at WFFT made a remarkable discovery – this special feline was a fishing cat, a unique breed on the verge of extinction.

Fishing cat

Unlike regular cats, fishing cats are larger in size and have a great affinity for marine life. As their name suggests, they are skilled hunters and particularly fond of fish. According to Wikipedia, fishing cats are known to inhabit wetlands, rivers, lakes, swamps, and mangroves across South and Southeast Asia. Sadly, their population has declined significantly in recent years due to the destruction of their natural habitats.

Intrigued by the kitten’s rareness, the family was permitted to foster the cat, whom they lovingly named Simba. Almost instantly, Simba displayed a strong bond with his newfound family.

Simba the fishing cat

While the family eagerly awaited the reunion between Simba and his mother, it never came to pass. Instead, they took on the responsibility of nurturing and raising Simba themselves. Bottle-feeding the kitten with milk, they watched as he blossomed into a beautiful fishing cat.

Simba growing up

Fortunately, Simba has defied the odds and thrived in his new environment. However, his survival is crucial not just for him, but for the future of his entire breed.

According to the WFFT, Thailand has witnessed a distressing 84% fishing cat mortality rate due to poaching and retribution killings. Simba’s existence serves as a beacon of hope, emphasizing the significance of preserving and protecting these remarkable creatures.

Importance of preserving wildlife

To appreciate the value of all animals in our ecosystem, take a moment to watch this heartwarming video featuring rescued cats. While they may not be fishing cats, their cuteness is undeniable. Let’s remember that animals are living beings just like us, and their presence is essential for the flourishing of Mother Nature. If you agree, please share this incredible story.