Can you imagine someone using your name for their baby without even asking for your permission? That’s exactly what happened to one woman, Mia, and she wasn’t happy about it. Mia, whose name is among the top 10 most popular names for girls in 2021, accused her old friend, Melinda, of stealing her name. She took to the internet to voice her frustrations, claiming that using her name without permission was crossing a line.

Mia and Melinda used to be close friends in their 20s. “She was always a little odd, but we remained friends for a while,” Mia explains. They were even bridesmaids in each other’s weddings before eventually drifting apart. It was recently that Mia discovered Melinda had a baby girl named Amelia, but they referred to her as Mia. Mia found this odd because her own name is Mia, and she felt like Melinda was naming her child after her without their friendship being close enough for that.

Seeking validation, Mia talked to a mutual friend who agreed that the situation was strange. Mia hadn’t intended to confront Melinda about the name stealing, but fate had a different plan. At a party, Mia ran into Melinda and her husband, who proudly introduced Mia to their baby. Mia couldn’t help but half-jokingly say, “Yeah, my namesake.” This caught Melinda off guard, and Mia continued, “Her name is Mia… I’m Mia.” Melinda insisted that the baby’s name was Amelia and Mia was just a nickname, while Mia’s full name was just Mia. Mia tried to understand but couldn’t shake the feeling that the baby was named after her, which she found odd but cute.

Melinda countered Mia’s claims by explaining that the baby was actually named after her husband’s mother. This only made Mia more determined to prove her point. She accused Melinda of assuming that the baby was named after her and remarked that it seemed like something Melinda would do.

The conversation quickly escalated into a heated argument. Melinda questioned why Mia thought she was important enough to be named after. Mia responded by calling Melinda rude, and Melinda retaliated by accusing Mia of implying that she was odd for having a baby with the same name. The clash between the two old friends was far from resolved.

When Mia turned to the Reddit community for advice, she received a reality check. Many users expressed confusion over Mia’s sense of entitlement towards her name. They emphasized that Mia wasn’t the only one named Mia and that it wasn’t a particularly unusual name. They pointed out that if Melinda had chosen the name because of Mia, she would have told her. The fact that they had grown apart should have been a clear indication that the naming wasn’t about Mia.

Some commenters even poked fun at Mia’s reaction, finding it exaggerated and self-centered. They shared their own stories of name coincidences and joked about Mia’s belief that her name had such significance. It became clear that Mia’s concerns weren’t resonating with the majority.

So, what are your thoughts on this story? Do you think Mia overreacted, or do you understand her point of view? Share your thoughts with us and let’s hear what others have to say!