Have you ever spotted small black dots in your kitchen and wondered what they were? I recently came across a post on a Mrs. Hinch fan page where a mom shared images of strange black specks along her skirting board and wall, and asked for help in identifying them [1]. It turns out, these dots are the result of spiders leaving their mark.

Spider Droppings

Now, before you start panicking, let me assure you that spiders are not invasive pests and can actually be beneficial. They act as a natural insecticide, keeping the bug population under control [2]. However, they do leave behind some evidence of their presence.

Spider droppings, also known as spider poop, have a dark appearance and are more like highly viscous liquids that resemble a paint splatter [3]. They are not toxic, but if left unattended, they can seriously stain your furniture, upholstery, fabric, and walls [4]. So, it’s important to remove them as soon as possible.

In addition to droppings, spiders also create something called a “bolus”, which is essentially an indigestible ball made up of the carcasses of their prey or webbing they accidentally ate. These boluses can look like white balls made up of mangled insect parts [3].

If you happen to spot these mysterious black dots in your kitchen, don’t fret! Simply clean them up using a mild detergent or vinegar solution. This will help remove the stains and keep your home looking spotless [4].

Remember, spiders are just doing their job by controlling the insect population in your home. So, next time you come across their little calling cards, you’ll know exactly what they mean. Happy cleaning!

Spider Droppings on Skirting Board

Please share this article with your family and friends on Facebook so they can also be aware of what these black dots mean [5].

  1. Source: Mrs. Hinch fan page

  2. Spider as natural insecticide

  3. Spider droppings

  4. How to remove spider droppings

  5. [Facebook Share Button](https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=[insert article URL here])