Sometimes, it can be hard to figure out what women’s contraptions are actually used for. There are countless posts online where people are asked to identify common products used by women, and it can leave men feeling quite clueless. Well, get ready for another head-scratcher!

Recently, a Reddit user stumbled upon a bizarre-looking contraption and couldn’t make sense of it. All they knew was that it had the brand name “Decathlon,” hinting at a connection to sports or exercise. Frustrated and curious, they decided to turn to the internet for answers.

The picture of the mysterious device quickly caught people’s attention on social media. And finally, someone knowledgeable came to the rescue with an answer! Drumroll, please… It turns out that this strange contraption is actually a compact abs exerciser.

Now, you might be wondering how this contraption helps with your abs. Well, it’s quite simple! The device is specifically designed to correct your posture during your ab workouts, reducing strain on your neck. So, if you often find yourself with a sore neck after doing crunches, this gadget is perfect for you!

By using this abs exerciser, you can ensure that your neck muscles don’t work overtime and become tense or cramped. It’s a convenient tool for those who prefer to exercise at home using their own body weight. To use it, simply grab the handles on either side, rest the device behind your head, and do your ab crunches as usual.

Looking at the picture, it’s no surprise that so many people were left scratching their heads. Without any context, it’s nearly impossible to guess what this contraption is for! But now that the mystery has been unveiled, share this mind-bending product with others and see if they can guess its purpose!

If you found this article intriguing, you might also want to uncover the secret behind U-shaped public toilet seats. Trust us, it’s fascinating!


This device is a perfect example of how something seemingly complicated can actually have a simple explanation. What are your thoughts on this contraption? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this mind-boggling product with your friends!