Parenting is a challenging journey, and sometimes we have to get creative to keep our little ones safe and happy. Unfortunately, society can be quick to judge and label anything outside the traditional parenting norms as “poor parenting.” This is exactly what happened to Jordan Driskell, a devoted father who faced criticism for using a child leash to keep his five kids safe while out and about.

A Unique Parenting Style

As parents, we all have our own unique approach to raising our children. We adapt and make do with what works best for our family. But when our choices don’t align with society’s expectations, we may face harsh judgment. This was the case for Jordan and his wife, who were publicly shamed for using leashes on their children. However, there’s more to this story than meets the eye.

Behind the Viral Video

A year-old video shared by Jordan went viral, attracting negative attention from online users. Many argued that using leashes on children was akin to treating them like dogs. Some even went as far as criticizing the couple for having so many children if they couldn’t handle them without leashes. But little did these critics know the full story.

Walking in Their Shoes

After receiving an outpouring of hate comments, Jordan decided to share another video on Instagram, inviting people to “walk a mile in his shoes.” He revealed that his wife had given birth to quintuplets, explaining the reason behind having five children in tow. With kids of that age, it can be overwhelming to venture out into public spaces.

Peace of Mind and Sanity

“We use leashes for our peace of mind and sanity,” Jordan explained in his video. The leashes allowed them to explore the world as a family without feeling overwhelmed. Trying to navigate crowds with strollers proved challenging and impractical. The leashes provided a practical solution to ensure their children’s safety while allowing them the freedom to explore.

Innovative Problem-Solving

Parenting expert Dr. Deborah Gilboa commended the Driskells for their creative problem-solving skills. She emphasized that using leashes in this context should not be seen as treating the children like animals. Instead, it was a unique solution to the specific challenge of managing five active kids on outings. Staying at home wasn’t an option, so the leashes became a practical tool.

However, it’s important to recognize that using leashes should have an age limit. As children grow older, parents need to find alternative ways to ensure their safety and maintain control over their movements.

Your Thoughts on Child Leashes

So, what are your thoughts on using child leashes? Parenting is a unique journey, and what works for one family may not work for another. As long as the children’s safety and well-being are prioritized, there should be room for different parenting styles. Let’s remember to support and respect one another’s choices in the difficult yet rewarding journey of raising children.
