Humans and orangutans have remarkable similarities, both in behavior and physical characteristics. Like humans, these great apes are incredibly intelligent, capable of learning languages for communication, expressing emotions, and even using tools. Just like human babies, orangutan babies cry when they’re hungry, whimper when sad, and smile at their mothers. This heartwarming story is about a mother orangutan who lovingly embraces her baby girl after she was stolen by a dominant male.

Four years ago, Clara, an adult female orangutan, gave birth to baby Clarita on Salat Island. The island is used as a sanctuary for unreleasable orangutans by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF). Unreleasable orangutans are those who lack the skills to survive on their own but still deserve to live in a natural forest environment.

During their time on Salat Island, technicians discovered that Clarita was in the company of Rizki, a 14-year-old male orangutan, and his friends. Concerned for Clarita’s safety, the team quickly rescued the vulnerable baby who needed immediate treatment for a severe rash and malnutrition. They also had to capture Clara, who seemed to be hiding from the other orangutans, particularly Rizki, who had taken her daughter.

Once Clara and Clarita were safely reunited in the clinic, technicians were both excited and fearful for their reunion. There was a possibility that Clara would reject her baby, which would mean Clarita would have to enter a reintroduction program before being released into a natural habitat.

The heartwarming reunion was captured on video. The nervous vet cradled Clarita in her arms as they approached Clara, who was being treated for a rash. Clara’s eyes were fixed on her helpless daughter. Through the bars of the cage, she kissed the baby on the tuft of fur popping from the top of her head. Encouraged by Clara’s behavior, the technician decided to let the mom hold her baby. Clara eagerly stretched out her hand, trying to open the lock. Once they were together, Clara tenderly embraced her baby, and as Clarita’s whimpering got louder, Clara lay on her back, allowing the baby to feed. The emotional scene moved the technicians, who described it as one of the most beautiful moments they had witnessed.

In October 2018, Clara and Clarita were restored to full health and moved to a pre-release island for monitoring and assessment of their release suitability. The update from the sanctuary revealed that they met the criteria and began their new lives in the forests of the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya Nation.

The heartwarming video of Clara and Clarita serves as a reminder of the unyielding love of a mother, whether furry or human. We are fortunate to have witnessed and shared this beautiful moment. What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know in the comments, and feel free to share this heartwarming reunion with others!

Watch the Heartwarming Reunion:

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